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Sue AnderBois for Providence City Council End of Year Update Email


Hello Friends,

I hope that this note finds you safe & healthy as we close out 2021. What a year it has been!

When I kicked off this campaign to serve Providence’s Ward 3 in the City Council, I knew this was a special place filled with amazing people. But in the months since filing to run, I've had countless conversations with friends and neighbors in Ward 3 - you've welcomed me into your homes, yards, and porches. We've lost track of time talking about the issues that are important to you: quality schools for kids and a supportive work environment for our teachers, climate change and environmental justice, the City's finances, affordable housing, potholes and speed humps, and the safety of our communities. You've shared binders of information with me, powerpoints you saved from community meetings, proposals for policy changes, inspiring stories of the work you are doing in the community, and the names of family/friends I needed to talk with next.

Thank you. I cannot say it enough. To everyone who spent time with me, to everyone who has shared information and knowledge, and to everyone who has donated to support the campaign. Thank you.

I am deeply committed to getting things done for our communities. I have big progressive goals and plans - but I also know that the strength of Providence and Ward 3 are our people. I am so excited to get to work tackling our City’s big challenges and celebrating its successes as Ward 3’s next City Councilwoman.

I'm excited to share these campaign updates with you & look forward to staying connected throughout 2022! Please stay safe, and always be in touch if I can be helpful in any way.

My Best Always,


Meeting Opportunities:

I’ve really enjoyed meeting with individual neighbors and in small, COVID-safe groups this summer and fall to hear directly from Ward 3 residents about the things that are most important to them and share my vision for the Council and City. If you are interested in scheduling a time to meet with me or would be interested in hosting a COVID-safe gathering (in person or via zoom), please email me at I look forward to meeting you!

Service to Providence:

I have served as Chairwoman of Providence’s Sustainability Commission since 2017 - and have been a member since 2014. While I am incredibly proud of my time as Chairwoman, I have decided to step down as Chair at our December meeting to both be able to commit my time more fully to this campaign and Ward 3, and also to create the space for new leadership and new involvement in this work in the City.

When I became chair, I had three main goals:

  • To support the Sustainability Office and the Racial & Environmental Justice Committee's work on climate justice and racial equity

  • To ensure a two-way form of communication with residents of Providence on sustainability and climate justice related activities and the City

  • To increase the activity of the Commission - advocating for policies that would align with the first two goals

We had some big wins while I served as chair:

  • We supported the development and implementation of the Climate Justice Plan - which centers the City’s response to climate change on frontline communities of color.

  • We supported the Plastic Bag Ban – and in particular, supported the Mayor’s thoughtful pause in the process to ensure that all voices were heard in the process before it passed City Council. As a result, we have a ban that reduces our reliance on single-use plastic that does not penalize low-income shoppers.

  • We partnered with Councilwoman Anthony to pass an Ordinance that codified the goals of the Climate Justice Plan, made positive adjustments to the Office of Sustainability, and expanded the Sustainability Commission to add 4 additional members: 2 representing the racial equity work and 2 representing youth.

  • We worked with Councilwoman Anthony to support the Building Energy Reporting Ordinance that will require large building owners to track and report their energy usage. Similar policies have caused energy reduction in other cities. I worked with stakeholders across the City and Climate Action RI to ensure that every Councilperson received positive testimony from constituents. We also garnered support from the Providence Foundation, and other building owners. We are hopeful the ordinance will pass in the coming weeks.

  • Councilman Goncalves joined several Commission meetings, where he discussed his work to support Composting and Environmentally Preferred Purchasing and received input from the Community. As a result, the City recently released their Compost Plan, and Councilman Goncalves supported a resolution on Environmentally Preferred Purchasing.

  • We also submitted a letter to Council opposing expansion of the Sea3 Facility on Allens Avenue, which would increase fossil fuel infrastructure near residential areas. The City Council recently voted to oppose this expansion.

It's bittersweet to take a step back - but I am looking forward to the new ways I can support this work as your next City Councilor in Ward 3!

(Sue presiding at a Commission meeting where former Mayor of Cambridge Henrietta Davis discusses building energy labeling and reporting with Providence residents.)

(Pictured above from L-R: Rob Hart (Energy Manager), Leah Bamberger (Dir of Sustainability), Sue, Mayor Elorza, Monica Huertas (People's Port Authority), April Brown (Racial and Environmental Justice Committee), Councilwoman Anthony - celebrate the signing of the Sustainability Ordinance).

Sue Making News:

The Climate Crisis is real, and it is urgent. During COP-26, my friend and colleague Mal Skowron and I drafted an op-ed in the Boston Globe about the need for climate action at the State and Local level. You can read it here! As your Councilwoman, I will work tirelessly to support climate action in our City.

Follow me on Social Media!

Are you following me on social media? I’m about to get my first official endorsement soon! Follow me on Facebook and Twitter or check out my website to get all my latest campaign news!

I also want to use my social media to lift up the great events & great people in our Ward. If you have something you'd like me to share, please just shoot me a note at or send a DM through the social media channels above.

Support the Campaign!

Thank you to all who have donated or signed on to volunteer on the campaign! I am so grateful.

If you would like to sign up to volunteer in the future, please click here.

If you would like to donate, please click here. I am so close to reaching my 2021 fundraising goal - and would appreciate any level of support you can provide!

Thank you!

(My dog Captain Ruggles makes sure to personally boop or lick each donor's thank you note to express his gratitude for your support!)

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